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Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic

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Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic

From designer Staffan Holm comes Lift, a shelving system for One Nordic that was inspired by those extendable scissor lift trucks. Available in sets of 3, 9, and 16, the design not only offers simple storage options, its X design creates a cool visual element as well.

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

The shelves can be freestanding or mounted on the wall and you can add as many components as you like. Each size comes in black or white.

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

As with all One Nordic designs, the shelves are easily assembled.

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

Lift Shelving System by Staffan Holm for One Nordic in home furnishings Category

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3816 days ago
Freestanding or wall mounted!
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5 Lessons in Contentment from Billionaires Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger

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By Leo Babauta

I sat in a crowd of 45,000 about 10 days ago, watching super-billionaire investors Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger riff off each other and deliver quick wit and worldly wisdom about finances and life in general, at the famous Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting in Omaha.

As I listened to these titans of the investing world, it struck me how content they are.

Not just content because they have all the riches in the world and all their needs met (they do), but because they understand fundamentals of contentment with life, which I believe is a superpower.

It was amazing to listen to these two masters talk about investing, but learn lessons in contentment throughout the investing advice.

Today, in anticipation of my upcoming, free ebook, “The Little Book of Contentment“, I’d like to share what I learned from Warren and Charlie.

I’d like to thank my friends Jake & Lonnie of Farnham Street Investments (and Mike & Scott of Cumbre Capital) for the once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Lessons in Contentment from Warren & Charlie

The key lessons:

  1. “Find what turns you on.” Warren said this in response to a question about what advice he’d give to his younger self 50 years ago. He wasn’t talking about sex, but about what you do for a living. And while we’ve all heard “Do what you love”, it’s telling that this is the one thing he’d tell his younger self — it’s that important to happiness. If you do what turns you on, you will be much further along the road to contentment.
  2. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Charlie, who is impressively intelligent, said one of the big advantages that Berkshire Hathaway has had is that Warren & Charlie don’t need to worry about what everyone else is doing (in the investment world). Too many people get caught up in watching everyone else, and letting that influence them, that they lose their inner compass. Instead, figure out the guiding principles that matter the most to you, and let go of the need to check on what everyone else is doing, and the need to compare what you’re doing with everyone else.
  3. Know your strengths. These two guys are very aware of their limitations — they almost never invest in tech companies, for example, because they don’t understand it well — and instead of feeling the need to go into their weak areas, they stay with their strong areas. They know what they’re strong at, and focus on that. Letting go of the need to do everything, and being happy with focusing on less, is an important contentment lesson.
  4. Fewer and higher quality. Warren & Charlie have a “fewer is better” investment philosophy, where they aren’t nearly as active as your usual Wall Street investor … but they focus on a handful of really strong investments. Warren suggests that investors imagine they have a punchcard with 20 punch holes … once you make 20 investments in your lifestime, your punchcard is used up. If you did this, you’d really make them count. This is the guiding principle, btw, in my book The Power of Less. You don’t need more — instead, be more discerning, and happy with less.
  5. Know what you like and forget the rest. Warren Buffet, one of the world’s wealthiest men, has a nice but modest house and a surprisingly modest Cadillac (that he drives himself), and eats at his favorite (but pretty ordinary) restaurants … he can afford much more extravagance, but forgoes it because he knows the simple things he likes in life. He could have much, much more, but knows that he doesn’t need it. How many of us do that? Just enjoy the things we like, and not worry about what else we could be enjoying, or what everyone else is enjoying.

There will be some who say, “Sure, it’s easy to be content when you’re rich and successful,” but I think this is missing the point. They are successful because of these lessons.

I learned that inspiration for contentment can be found in surprising places, including in Omaha, where everyone I met had a kind word for me, and a smile on their faces. I left with a smile myself.

Do you have questions about contentment? Share them with me here.

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4083 days ago
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4082 days ago
Maybe success has a lot to do with contentment.

An Awful Lot of Purported Wine Experts Are Full of Shit

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Robert T. Gonzalez:

In 2001, researcher Frédéric Brochet invited 54 wine experts to give their opinions on what were ostensibly two glasses of different wine: one red, and one white. In actuality, the two wines were identical, with one exception: the “red” wine had been dyed with food coloring.

The experts described the “red” wine in language typically reserved for characterizing reds. They called it “jammy,” for example, and noted the flavors imparted by its “crushed red fruit.” Not one of the 54 experts surveyed noticed that it was, in fact a white wine.

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4092 days ago
4095 days ago
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4093 days ago
4095 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
4095 days ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4095 days ago
@akmakansi Uh oh...
Los Angeles, CA
4095 days ago
[hugs her $7.99 Trader Joe's wine tightly]
Portland, OR
4095 days ago
Nice bouquet.
4095 days ago
If the food coloring wine does not turn teeth purple, it's an improvement
4096 days ago
Haha! Oops. This is probably why I like good wine, dislike cheap/bad wine, but otherwise can't tell the differences between a lot of good wines.
Portland, Oregon
4096 days ago
Every six months some version of this revelation crops up.
New York, NY
4096 days ago
Milwaukee, WI

A Villa with a Farm by MDS

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A Villa with a Farm by MDS

Designed by MDS for an elderly couple looking to leave the city behind, the Yatsugatake Villa has a farm allowing the homeowners to grow their own vegetables. The house is situated at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake, where it gets really hot in the summer and very cold in the winter, making for specific adjustments to the design plan.

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

Being located in a place with harsh weather conditions, the architects paid special attention so that the residents wouldn’t have to rely on air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. The structure is fan-shaped and opens up towards the south allowing the home to be flooded with sunlight throughout the day. Come the hot summer months and the extended roof provides a shade for the interior.

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

Large windows on both the north and south sides of the home open up to provide natural cooling on the inside.

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

The way the house is laid out, it allows for the rooms to unfold into each other providing a cohesive plan.

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

The interior is filled with warm, natural woods and white walls providing a cozy and simple aesthetic.

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

A Villa with a Farm by MDS in architecture Category

Photos by Toshiyuki Yano.

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4092 days ago
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reCOVER Coatrack Uses Rainwater to Water Plants

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reCOVER Coatrack Uses Rainwater to Water Plants

April is over now, but we didn’t really get all that many showers, so maybe we’re due for lots of rain in May. reCOVER by Teracrea is a re-imagining of the typical coat stand into a miniature ecosystem. The base of the stand can be placed into any planter, so that your raincoats and drippy umbrellas can nourish the plant.

reCOVER Coatrack Uses Rainwater to Water Plants in home furnishings Category

What do you think of this design? Would you use it?

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4097 days ago
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Homeless man's A/B test of generosity based on faith

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Redditor Ventachinkway caught a photo of a homeless man conducting a clever exercise in behavioral economics disguised as an inquiry into the levels of spontaneous generosity as determined by religious creed or lack thereof.

When I passed him he proudly announced "The atheists are winning!" (i.imgur.com) (via Glinner)

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4101 days ago
4102 days ago
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4094 days ago
4102 days ago
<3 no god
Sydney Australia
4102 days ago
Sydney, Australia
4102 days ago
4102 days ago
4102 days ago
That's some brilliant fundraising psychology at work.
San Francisco
4099 days ago
Somebody suggested he's purposefully filling the Athiest cup to get extra coin out of the believers.
4102 days ago
It's seems not having to worry about heaven and hell gives you chance to be more charitable!? ps. Check out the 'peach' cups.
very large rock orbiting a sun
4102 days ago
I eagerly await the results of this study normalized for the demographics of the target area.
4104 days ago
"The atheists are winning!" Not sure I've heard that anywhere else...
Corvallis, OR
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